Panic Crash Bars, also known as exit
devices or crash bars, are safety devices commonly installed on exit doors in
buildings. These bars are designed to provide a quick and easy means of exit
during emergencies, ensuring the safety of occupants.
Here are key features of panic bars:
1. Easy Exit:
Panic bars allow people to quickly exit a building by pushing on the bar. They
are often used on doors leading to areas with a high occupancy, such as
theaters, schools, malls, and other public buildings.
2. No Turning or Twisting: Unlike traditional door handles or knobs, panic bars don't require
turning or twisting to open the door. This design is crucial in emergency
situations where people may be in a state of panic and need a simple, intuitive
method of exit.
3. Code Compliance: Many building codes and fire safety regulations require the
installation of panic bars in certain situations to ensure a rapid and orderly
evacuation in case of emergencies.
4. Variety of Styles: Panic Crash
Bars come in various styles, including horizontal and vertical bars.
Some may have additional features like alarms or electronic components for
enhanced security.